Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Latitude 9n Blogging Will Be Light This Week And There's A Reason

Latitude 9n's blog entrees will be light this week. But you can think of it as delayed gratification. Hector Arocha is deeply engaged in research on technology innovation in Latin America. We are looking forward to his output which we hope to see beginning next week.

Boyd Ingalls is also being productive offline on another project which will benefit Latitude directly and more on that later.

In the mean time I want to direct attention to the policy journal Americas Quarterly which has a a marvelous online presence. A product of the Americas Society and Council of the Americas, AQ covers a broad range of policy issues, some National Geographic level travel and destination coverage, and some photographic eye candy. The result is good Americas boosting source of information as well as a fun read. Like any NGO publication AQ isn't entirely neutral though it seems to truly try. In Latin American politics that will ruffle some feathers. Personally, I make it a policy to be hard to offend, but being an outside observer undoubtedly makes that project easier.

The latest edition of AQ that I can find is Spring 2015. And as it happens, it has some great coverage of the Latin American emerging technology scene. I urge readers to check it out.