Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Mexico and Hurricanes. Mexico get's Patricia right.

To my knowledge the current death toll from hurricane Patricia is less than 10 people. That is a remarkable achievement considering that Patricia had wind speeds of over 165 mph when it hit land. Yes Mexico had some luck working for it. Patricia hit an area of low population density and it was too short lived to develop much of a storm surge. Even so, Mexico got this right when getting it right means there are people alive today that might not have been if the government had not acted quickly to evacuate its citizens and to provide assistance.

With Patricia Mexico shows its strength. But in fact, Mexico has many strengths. Congratulations Mexico. We morn those who are lost, but we celebrate those who lived.

On a slightly different note, VOX news is becoming an important English language source for Latin American news. I applaud them in this era of fascination with Asia and Europe for recognizing how import our own hemisphere is, both north and south. Their excellent analysis of Mexico's response to Patricia is here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Yakima Washington, Pueblo de Frontera/Border Town

Hector recently paid a visit to Yakima Washington and wrote down some of his thoughts.

Hector Arocha October 14, 2015
Yakima is situated amongst some of the world’s most productive farmland, laden with abundant crops and a blossoming wine industry. The Hispanic population is also blossoming and Mexican nationals are a clear majority.
Yes, Yakima hits you with the beauty of its dry inland landscape. And with the crisp, clear divide between mostly Mexican latinos and everybody else.
As overwhelming as the Hispanic population is, the perception is of an "agreed" calm or co-existence as latinos and anglos live separate lives with bodegas and grocery stores and separate restaurants (say Denny's vs Mexican restaurants). 
In the few days I had to spend around this city, and perhaps it was the ignorance of an outsider, I did not perceive any real connection, any direct participation between anglos and latinos.
Yes, the two groups came together in commerce. However, even in the schools, the anglos preferred private schools, out of reach of most latinos who were left behind in inadequate public schools. Yakima is a city that contains significant contrast, a people divided in the middle of an agrarian powerhouse. A northern border town.
Esperemos que evolucione positivamente. 

Ubicada en un hermoso paisaje, con una industria agrícola y vitivinícola en pleno desarrollo.
Igualmente, con una poblacion Hispana en apogeo, en donde los oriundos de Mexico representan una mayoría absoluta.
Si, Yakima te impresiona con una geografía árida en donde se pervie una separazione significativa entre Mexicanos y todos los demás.
Ask como avasallante es la población Hispana, la percepción de la realidad urbana es de una "calma relativa por acuerdo" ya que tanto los Mexicanos como 
los no Mexicanos (mainstream) tiene sus propias tiendas (por ejemplo, Denny's vs Mi Ranchito Mexican Food) 
En los pocos días en esta ciudad, y muy probablemente por ignorancia de su realidad urbana diaria, no se percibe una participación o relación directa de los dos grupos etnicos mayoritarios.
Ciertamente, se pude percibir la reciprocidad en actividades comerciales, sin embargo al preguntar sobre el sistema educativo los comentarios no fueron positivos respecto a escuelas publicas vs privadas.
Yakima es una ciudad de contrastes significativos, en su paisajes naturales y en su demografía actual.

Esperemos que evolucione positivamente.